Friday, December 29, 2017

Graffiti my Heart

bound in love..
decorating my mind with the details
Each letter binding the words to my heart
created with love
a mind so true..
strong and gentle 
I love how you decorate my soul
A design all your own 
On my heart - the most beautiful art..
Your beauty is only shadowed by your love
A treasure without words
Fierce yet tender 
You are my future looking into the past 
and moving ahead..
scribble, scratch or spray me - just don’t erase me..
mark me up..

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Crookeds and Straights

zig zagging..
crooked or straight 
created from life..
past & present
join, intersect and form us..
binding us tight 
The memories 
What we hold near&dear
become our truths..
what we see, what we feel, what we believe to be real 
Is how we deal..
it can grow us or
ravage us 
choices to be made..
It is ok and sometimes 
it is right to live in the crookeds..
There will be no finding the straights..
For there to be a shadow 
There has to be light 
let your focus be on the bright..

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Our soundtrack

Stay lost..
Lost in our dance
never find your way out..
Let it be me 
Only me you see
As you move your feet to our beat..
that rhythm of pure sweet..
Love only me in the sea of hopes & dreams where nothing is like it seems..
For my sway will stay -
no matter if you’re sitting & I’m standing or
You’re running & I’m walking 
The picture in your mind and the soundtrack of my heart create the perfect harmony..
and I am bending, stretching and syncing to your every move..
Lost in the rhythm & blues of our rock’n’roll..

Monday, December 11, 2017

Setting We free..

Setting We free..

that battle is fierce between me, myself and I..
Is she more than me..
Here there and everywhere..
or broken pieces scattered about..
am I still free to just be?
Or am I her she and we - and me is lost in between..
The thoughts rage on..
Why does one self insist it is better than the other?
It is plain and simple and beautiful and complex
Quite wonderful really..
That mind 
Those thoughts..
they are everything -
so powerful and full of wonder..
Love and every good thing come from it, 
filtering through my body - making me who she ought to be..
It is my mind that wakes me, shakes me, catapulting me into another orbit - capturing my attention and sends my heart soaring..
so powerful to learn that self-love is more than just a feeling..
I am grateful that while  I see the rain 
she sees the rainbow..
I realize how much I like her and 
The innocence of hope is restored for all of me
I wish to be her, she, me and we..

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Waking slowly..

Waking Slowly..

so painful words don’t come..
so numbing
with each limb aching..
it is surreal - wake me up..
and let me never wake again..
Will I feel what’s real
Or stay in this dreamlike nightmare existence..
time alludes me 
I’ve disappeared - slipping into the cracks and i am certain I’ll become dust 
simply disintegrating..
then the love comes -
in numbers unexpected
in ways unimagined 
and with each stitch of love 
my pieces are slowly grafted back together..
Crooked, messy and uneven.. never to match up perfectly again 
but the strings keep pulling tighter - and somehow they hold me together..
my insides don’t pour out- though I feel hollow..
and somehow I don’t hit bottom like dead weight-though I feel like I’ve exploded inside out..
no- somehow l only skim the surface of hell 
and invisible gentle hands put the embers out before I implode into flames 
And hope catches me and it 
saves me..

Wednesday, December 6, 2017


What a delightful sound 
It is beautiful to my heart..
i love the beat of yours..
thrumming a melody no one can hear..
the ins & outs of your innocent mind wow me 
It’s so wildly different
A unique piece of art that makes up you 
May no one change a thing about you 
May you never fall victim to that 
Though some may find you monotonous and 
Some may find you ever-changing 
just know your kind of perfection is hard to find..
Rare beautiful hope..
Untouched you shall remain - 
continue on in your own enchanting, rhythmic hum..

It is a chant no one can compare..  

Tuesday, December 5, 2017


Grabbing tight the sweet moments
sealing them in..
searing it into my heart 
my mind & soul..
for surely they will come&go 
Love has taught me so..
The flavor of life is what I choose to drink in seeping through my pores to the very core of my being..
Let the aroma tantalize my senses 
balmy, soothing, calming to my mind
Drench me in the fragrance of it..
Though my heart is transparent - paper like in its’ love-
I am not afraid..
Unaffected, untouched, immune
for i am locked into the eclectic savory taste of life..