Sunday, April 24, 2016

Loudness of Love

Loudness of Love

feeling the intensity as you say it..
my name - spoken so strongly so gently - safe in your mouth 
Protected and loved is how I feel as it flows from your sweet lips
Peaking - it vibrates 
Touching every cell in my body 
You are my atmosphere of love 
Unselfish adoration 
Lifting me from the dark to the light 
Taking your time to know me 
patching all the tears I've endured - with such patience..
My dreams you don't take -
You create..
Something tells me you're different than the rest 
You are the very best 
my heart yours till the end 
So go ahead 
Speak my name any way you like 
I feel what I hear 
The climax - loud and clear..

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Leave Her Be

Leave Her Be

She is she 
Let her be 
Love her the way she comes..
Stop the torment of your words 
Don't you see her shackled by them 
Shouldering the brunt of the vile you spew
Burying it all silently within..
Toying dangerously with her 
Leave her mind alone
It's connected to her soul which controls her heart
She's falling apart 
She isn't a game to be played
She is strong yet breakable 
Stop chipping away at her beauty 
It's rare - unique - one of a kind 
And she will love you till she's no more..
She knows no other way..
A love you will never forget 
One you will crave and seek 
But only to be found within her..
the damage you do to her doesn't stop there 
It is harming you too..
It will follow you all your days
your mind will play your evil ways 
Over and over 
Your ears will hear the silent cries of her heart and cringe 
and try as you might 
The sounds will never fade
The worst part about you 
is you just can't see all it reveals
And never will you heal 
tearing down someone else..
She's disappearing into your madness
She is she and was once free 
unchain her 
Please leave her be..

Thursday, April 21, 2016


is our connection 
so complex - psychologically physically 
my mind absorbing you until it's only you 
craving your touch until it's all I feel 
The closer we become,
The less i grasp 
looking in the mirror, 
I study that stranger looking back
The hands that touch my face   I no longer recognize..
closing my eyes as I draw back my hair I feel you..
catching my breath as you slowly draw it from me 
Your fingers entwined in my hair 
Tugging tightly as you turn my face toward you 
grazing my lips 
my mouth hungry for you
my soul ablaze
taking pieces of me 
until I no longer know where you begin and I end..
may I never be found

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Song in the Night

Soaring to places that just can't be..
Insane  moments 
Always surprising 
catching me off guard..
With such words of love 
my blushing cheeks respond 
in awe of your tenderness bestowed upon me
Impossibly always new to my heart 
ever growing 
in this world of our mad love
You speak the language of my soul 
You've moved my mind up 
Releasing a new kind of 
happy in me
Moments with you always will be one of life's greatest mysteries 
a magical garden bursting into life 
I see it all in your eyes
my love will never dull 
flourishing in you
You've restored a new me that only you can bring
No longer walking through the garden alone 
You've given me song in the night 
My soul will always sing..


The lie is in your
as the venom drips from the same mouth that devoured me with sweet love..
Closing my eyes to it
heart slams shut
No more looking into my soul 
No more stealing my breath..
The magic is gone 
Spell broken 
I have awoken 
No longer an emotional jigsaw puzzle with its' pieces scattered about..
It has been solved
The link between my heart and mind connected..
Couldn't break me but certainly taught me the heart has power over the mind..
twisting deception into beautiful lies..


Monday, April 18, 2016

Perfectly Flawed

Let me love you imperfectly so I can love you completely
Letting go of imaginings that hold me back 
So lovely to free-fall into our perfect circle of unknown.. 
ever-changing wildly crazy
Solid moments of you 
My best days are my days with you 
For some, they wander in search of it all their days
For others, they know love is simply lost 
And sadly - some just don't believe..
Though we fade in&out and back again, We are always there- can't be denied 
Like that well worn chair..
Sometimes misplaced but never forgotten 
and when you rediscover the simple pleasure of curling up and enjoying it again - you know you are where you belong..
Not a beat of my heart would exist, without the thought of you
I will chip away every brick and every stone that holds you back 
No walls no fears no
Submit to my flawed love 
This is one imperfection worth  the troubles 
Let me shatter my love over you..

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Afraid Secure Me

Steady as an earthquake..
so sure of my footing 
Other times drifting nowhere lost and alone 
hands shaking, heart racing  falling and crashing 
Nowhere to land..
afraid but secure in my fear of the unknown
accepting what I cannot control 
setting the reins free
My heart is filled with sweetness..
my security lies in His arms 
My peace in His love 
My unknown answers blanketed by the beat of His  heart 
Though uncertain of much 
my fragile heart is settled
that soothes my mind 
And I know I'll be just fine..

Thursday, April 14, 2016


Like the Summer wind 
You linger..
Wafting in&out of my thoughts 
Gently traipsing through me
Cool as an ocean breeze 
I inhale you and it sends me tumbling 
Soothing as a summer day 
Your warmth fills my mind,
caresses my body and I'm wind blown..
Footsteps are effortless 
My heart is still 
Gone is the angst 
Dreams come to life and my soul is once again carried away
Leaving my troubles behind..
Whisk me away to 
Whichever direction your wind is blowing..

Friday, April 8, 2016

Storm of Love

Rough, wild, turbulent waves
magnificent to watch beautiful like your love
Unknown and full of surprises 
Bringing to shore all its' beauty
Splashing out of control 
crashing into me until I no longer see
eclipsing the old, setting me free
Refreshing my mind 
cleansing my soul 
creating desires I never knew
No more existing below in murky dark waters 
Im walking on colorless transparent vivid as can be 
This beautiful sea..
Your words of care
Flowing in and out of me
Drenching me in a storm of love 
The sound of you rushing through me
sweetest vibrations to my soul
I am sated in your love
Drown me in it 
Let it wash me clean 

Mad Hope

Self destruction..
Pain unleashed like no other.. 
every word a strike to her raw nerves
Every fiber of her being exposed.. Rotting from the inside out..
Tweaked Love wrapped in hate sadness anger 
ripping its' way through her heart..
Decaying slowly 
Nobody sees, nobody knows the depth of misery she trudges through 
The light in her eyes turned off leaving her to live in the shadows of what was..
Dark skies all around as she grasps about looking to find herself 
He loved her till she was no more..
Too caught up, to blind to see she was living in his debris 
Her tired heart still beats for him 
as if she never knew that 
Loving him was the beginning of the end..

Sunday, April 3, 2016


Blinded by the dazzling currents passing through her
Nothing making sense 
seared by the thought of him
Inseparably together is how she feels
Uncertain where reality starts and fantasy ends 
Her heart has blurred her mind 
They've become one 
It all looks the same 
She wears him and he wears her 
Her happiness and elation so quickly deflates.. Knowing they can't possibly have what they want 
Just a beautiful dream growing in them..
unsure & feeling lost
She wants what she imagines
Afraid her imaginings are better than where her feet are planted 
Afraid she's lost perception to truth 
She reminds herself to want what she has
No bitter will take root in her
She buries the seed that has sprouted 
closing herself to it
No matter that she envisions his skin next to hers
Her eyes cast down 
Heavy with dreams she sighs,
So much wanting to make him  mine she cries..
Her Untamed heart bleeding for him.. 
She will leave his colors behind  
Knowing where she was is beautiful..