Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Endless Moments

Slowly painfully walking you home..
Memories engraved in my soul 
so real I touch you in the emptiness
Dreams bigger than I could have known
A love with no need for words
A part of me that I'll always need
Back inside my head it's safe 
once upon another time 
you were only a thought 
my imagination only touching the surface..
the world was made perfect by your arrival 
Filled with more love than one deserves..
How can this be
My mind is screaming..
Yet you'll be set free
In the end - I am scared 
Afraid of what comes next
wishing for one more moment with you..
Melting into a puddle of tears I smile 
my shattered world shall remain perfect in its' mess
with all its' jagged holes 
for you will always be there 
In my dreams I will see you 
In my heart I will feel you 
In my arms you will remain 
So I'll be brave just like you..
You are my lesson in love
giving completely with your whole heart 
Though I wish for endless moments 
I'll hold your hands tightly as you take your last breath
and I kiss you goodbye
For today is not the end of your story..

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Nothing compares

Dancing in my mind..
you accompany me to a rhythm all our own
a dance I wish to always sway to
You meander through my heart, no specific direction,
and gently stitch the gaps, heal the wounds..
such tenderness is you 
I'll unfold before you all that I've become 
my fears crippled
Strangled by your love 
Nothing compares to your embrace 
More than words could ever say..
The beauty never changes 
Your very presence makes me whole 

Friday, February 10, 2017

Enlighten you

Let me write a story on the pages of your heart 
Take it all in.. 
don't miss the beauty of what love entails
You need to see clearly
not to feel shame
But to see the chains you've wrapped around your heart..
The traps might be everywhere with
Darkness all around..
Beware - It's the darkness within that destroys you 
Knowledge is power 
Fuel your mind, renew your heart 
Savor it.. 
quiet your soul 
Love illuminates 
Let me shine brightly within you 

Beginning of Everything

It was like any other day
Until it wasn't..
The frailty, the vulnerability
it all came to be as you stood in the light and I could truly see..
felt like an 
Eternity had passed and yet time stood still 
unending moments 
Hold my hand 
It's electric between our fingers as they find their way home
Do not be afraid
Our love will guide you through & through 
Our love will set you free
We will be strong and let you go where you belong 
and so we end where we began 
in one breath..

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Sweetness remains..

Death.. it's all around..
The grip so tight it leaves the air dry.. the breath doesn't come easy
The sting of it all can be paralyzing..
reality sets in.. 
ever so vulnerable.. 
fear, pain, sadness, loneliness.. 
Overwhelming thoughts bring you to your knees 
You can't escape it
You can't beat it..
We hold on tighter - so afraid..
hearts pounding so loud
It awakens you back to the present..
It is beating - You are living
You are loving 
Life is all around
moments are alive
Your mind screams live it with passion
knowing it's all unknown
Life is such a gift..
from the moment we cry out with air filling our lungs to the last breath we take as we slip away to peaceful slumber..
Death is not the end
For they live on within you..
breathe in deep 
taste the sweetness of it all
and exhale that spark of life on all those around you..

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Blanket Me

It echoes.. 
my soul trembles 
leaving me weak and helpless in you 
A love so powerful it keeps evolving, enveloping me in its' fierce yet tender grip
Covering me with the sweetest aroma of you 
A beauty like no other 
You love in a way all its' own 
A soulful kind of love 
all else paling next to it 
nothing will break it 
Life won't shake it 
Death won't end it 
We are forever