Friday, December 20, 2019

the rain came..

You chose to stay 
chasing the sun until my heart you won..
Clearing the melancholy 
sharing the joy..
The unknown looming 
My eyes watching 
pondering the beauty you bring to my heart..
In the losses 
The dark spaces 
you continued to give..
The rain came 
each drop washing away the old..
You didn’t run
Turning us around 
we’ve begun...

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Beauty mark..

you’ve taught me well
you’ve  loved me long 
showing me I do belong.. 
accept what is
the fight is done 
no escaping from the one..
it’s all within 
the storm inside
letting go I will not hide..
showing me scars I never knew 
you trace them all through and through..
cherishing the bruises 
Loving me deeply 
your beauty mark stamps them 
it completes me..