Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Tangles of Life..

Fill my heart
You are my delight 
Teach me your ways 
Let me discover things anew
I'm drunk with life as all my senses come alive 
words bleeding into my heart mind & soul 
staining them with the sweetest of love ❤️
I lean on your chest 
Feeling the heartbeat of life and I breathe it in
Fierce and beautiful..
Easy silence between us is filled with the echo of pulse to pulse
Beat to beat 
Chest to feet
I wish to tangle up in you

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Battles of the Heart

you walk a path that is yours alone.. 
one that has spun out of control
Inner demons ruling your mind while you struggle to break free..
let us take the fear, the pain and the demons away
we won't let them stay..
find the reasons 
Hold on to them tight
this is your fight 
Forgive yourself 
it was not, is not yours to carry 
you're living in bondage..
a sad empty broken place of untruths in your mind and heart..
Depleting you of a satisfied soul.. therein lies that beautiful peace you're seeking..
I feel the battles of your heart
Let's fight harder
We won't turn away 
We won't give up on you today
You are perfectly wonderfully made..
Angels are stronger than demons
you will see light in the dark 
open up your heart..

Friday, March 17, 2017

Crystal Clear

There is no darkness in your eyes..
Crystal clear 
I see to your soul..
If I give into you 
Will I remain whole
If I give into you 
Will the light shine brighter than I imagine
If I give into you 
Will I walk freely..
Willing, opened, excited for an unhurried stroll
as we reach new depths walking new steps..
my heart is set free 
Afraid no more 
I will embrace all there is to be..

Friday, March 10, 2017

Breaking Free

You hindered her from the fullness of what she's meant to be 
Shutting her down 
A walking yoke of bondage 
suffocated by oppression
She chose to let it happen because she believed the lies..
No more 
She's awakened with a cataclysmic jolt
No longer empty or lost
She has learned her worth.. 
strongholds withering 
No longer afraid of the pain
but rather what it has already cost her..
arms opened wide 
She welcomes  the truth wrapping around her 
setting her free..

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Dream Keeper

Dream keeper 

His words are loud in my mind 
Etched in my heart
pressed on my soul..
he trusts me with his life - his heart mind & soul cry out 
Needing & wanting 
I will listen more intently 
adjusting what my heart sees 
For what my heart sees 
I believe 
I'll give more as we walk through the space between us 
It is the most powerless and free I've ever felt 
He is the lover of my soul 
My dream keeper..

It's You

It's You 

Let it be you 
to care, to love, to adore..
searching the unknown with me
unsure of the plan
Let it be you 
There is freedom in our ability to live life unencumbered..
free to be who we are
where we are..
Will it be you
You set my heart free in its' mystery 
the quiet sky listens, watches.. 
giving me peace 
holding my hand as the loud silence is filled with your love

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Face the Sun

we almost made it 
Could have 
Should have 
weariness took its' toll
Hold me silently 
No regrets 
No sorrys
I am scared 
I need you now to smile at me in that knowing way
The crinkle of your eyes meant for me
It's all been said in words 
It's what is not said that hurts..
I need your words - empty or not 
Your laugh that always let 
me know it would be ok..
Hold my hand tight 
as we walk to new beginnings

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


Taking them back 
Piece by piece 
all my parts..
Loving me gently 
You taught me well 
as I fell 
how to get back up 
My imperfections tucked safely within you
Accepted wholly for who I am
You are quiet in me, letting me find myself 
encouraging me to mend 
your strength flowing within
You reached past my fears and that's where I began..
making me extraordinary 
In my ordinary 
by the gift of your love