Slowly painfully walking you home..
Memories engraved in my soul
so real I touch you in the emptiness
Dreams bigger than I could have known
A love with no need for words
A part of me that I'll always need
Back inside my head it's safe
once upon another time
you were only a thought
my imagination only touching the surface..
the world was made perfect by your arrival
Filled with more love than one deserves..
How can this be
My mind is screaming..
Yet you'll be set free
In the end - I am scared
Afraid of what comes next
wishing for one more moment with you..
Melting into a puddle of tears I smile
my shattered world shall remain perfect in its' mess
with all its' jagged holes
for you will always be there
In my dreams I will see you
In my heart I will feel you
In my arms you will remain
So I'll be brave just like you..
You are my lesson in love
giving completely with your whole heart
Though I wish for endless moments
I'll hold your hands tightly as you take your last breath
and I kiss you goodbye
For today is not the end of your story..