Darkness was falling upon their world
could life be this cruel she wondered
It spread through him like a wildfire..
Like a virus with no cure
devouring her sweet love from the inside out
No warning without notice
Threatening to blanket any glimpse of life.. of hope..
How could she save them
Protect her babes from the nightmare unfolding before them
The suffocation unreal and much too much to bare..
Her knees buckled
Legs to weak to hold her up she collapsed unaware that she hit the floor..
Unaware of the pain shooting up her legs
Paralyzed by fear by shock anger hurt confusion..
Could she do this
Can she walk through this
It's her strength they will need Her love that will fill them cover them..
Their means to carry on..
She buries her face in her trembling hands, anguished by the pain that is smothering her..
Who will cover me she moans..
Please - she begged to no one and everyone -
let me close my eyes and change my reality
She was immobilized
Yet she could feel her arms flailing
Could see the splash of tears as they hit the smooth wood beneath her.. The puddle growing as her heartbreak rolled down her face..
His smiling face..his gentle touch.. Their loving moments flashed before her..
And she knew
She stood up in her mind
Screaming shouting at her thoughts - fighting to hold back the monsters swallowing her up
On her knees she felt arms wrapping around her..
She looked down through her tears and realized the limbs belonged to her..
The essence of him enveloping her and with certainty she knew she would be enough
Because he would always cover her.. never leaving her to stand alone
she will be strong in the gift of his love
So she stood up
barely audible as her lips quivered - goodbye love..
She opened her arms to it
willing to be split open..