Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Timeless Love❤️

Nothing can replace the tender moments of our history..
timeless love❤️
like the ocean
Deep beautiful endless 
No end in sight 
Not perfection
No such thing 
But unconditional love respect 
Best of friends 
Acceptance of all idiosyncrasies 
Open conversations 
Hearing listening 
Fun times 
goofy times hard times 
sad times 
Through it all
Always growing together 
Such goodness loyalty and adoration..
I choose to live us each day 
Much like a dream
Keeps me falling over&over

Sunday, July 19, 2015


Precious unappreciated fast furious slow tedious boring exciting scary wonderful sad happy lonely exhilarating
Perfectly imperfect…
Flying past us
walking through it – grasping onto the moments we cherish
running from the ones that leave us bewildered
daring to hope&believe the best is yet to come
be open to the unexpected
no one moment is wasted
Learn from all of it
after all it becomes a part of us..
for better or worse we become those moments
wearing them like skin..
So pay attention to the present
rejoice in the grace that covers us..
Be open&honest to you
Therein lies the peace the quiet and joy of your moments

Beautiful Mess

Beautiful the mess we are
every one of us..
no one walks it alone
we all hurt-cry-fallshort-disappoint-panic-fret-losehope
but in the whirlwind of emotions
we are beautifully complex
with so much to give
most amazing part of us
Give&share&be LOVEimage
Be open to it for it is everywhere
in nature-in the sunrise-in all of Gods’ creations
You being the most cherished of it all
If you’re lucky enough to know loving kindness
be wise enough to live it
be soft enough to wear it
be open enough to share it
You might be the only hope that person sees..
Might be the only reflection of love to ever cross their path..
Love is the beginning of everything..
making beautiful the mess we are..
When you look in the mirror
What do you see looking back…


We are unique–wonderfully and purposely created in His image. The love and connection cannot be denied. Girlfriends walk through life together – no matter the distance. Our hearts interwoven like silk thread…intricately meshed together creating a beautiful, strong, masterpiece of a forever kind of love; perfectly imperfect. We always know the other is there. Such freedom in this kind of love…unconditional.
Girlfriends: we break the rules for one another, defend, cry, laugh and hold each other up.  In our darkest moments, our happiest moments,  our scariest moments, our joys, our heartbreaks–we are there. The loyalty and bond-unquestionable…support and commitment is forever.  Our lives are full, blessed and busy: husbands, lovers, children and jobs, yet how empty it would be without you. No one can take the place of my girlfriends. Just like my family–you live forever in my heart. Sisterchicks***

Sweet Surrender

She existed…faceless, voiceless, unseen. Her thoughts rambling–in-cohesive…if I get it out on paper, it’s not screaming in my head. At least that’s what they say. I’m naked, open, vulnerable. Words no longer making sense–vibrating in my mind until they seep through the cracks of my skull…tired, worn and in need of rest from her own thoughts. That bit of knowledge escapes her though. She puts the journal down and throws the pen as far as she can and waits. Her big, beautiful hazel eyes following it as the pen sails through the air. She was hoping it would hit the water. Then she gets distracted–a problem in her life lately. The music gets louder–setting her thoughts free. She knows this song must have been written for her. The relief it brings to her soul is magical. Unaware that the music has brought her to her feet–she is spinning, arms stretched out catching the wind, carefree and weightless. Eyes closed and smiling she is that young girl again–lost in time. Refusing to reconcile the past and present, she spins faster and faster until her legs get tangled up in her long, white skirt. The fall is gentle as she lands in the sand. She is a beautiful mess… long, tangled, brown hair going every direction and sand sprinkled all over her now. She can’t help but giggle as she sits up wiping the sand off her mouth. Her smile gives way to sadness…her look becomes sullen and the tears come quickly. I’m living someone else’s dream; she lifts her head and screams, but only in her mind. Can anyone hear me?…running 100 miles an hour in the wrong direction–does anyone see me disappearing?
Everyone tells her she is fine, that it will all pass. It’s just a phase and her cup will overflow when she gets back up on her feet. The weariness cannot be hidden–her very footsteps revealing her angst…I don’t know where I belong or where I’m going. Living a thousand lives but none of them mine… I can’t do it anymore. She misses her–that reflection looking back at her. So many dreams shattered–gone forever. There are memories of a once carefree and happy girl. Entranced in her thoughts, she smiles and traces the outline of her face in the window of a busy coffee shop as she passes by it. She is unaware of the stares. She draws strength. I don’t know you but I want to…I have a choice…I have time… Is this my hopeful voice I hear?…
The sound of the waves crashing against the rocks lulls her to sleep. The tension along her forehead easing off as she gives into the peaceful sleep it brings her. This is all she wants at the moment–surrounded by her children, husband and the ocean. It’s never long enough–her thoughts creeping back in–exploding in her mind. Pain, anger and frustration return along with that all to familiar lump in her throat. Why is my heart restless?…I cannot be the only one feeling this way. Anger sets her on a path of self destruction but it will be friendship, love and acceptance that break her free from the valley of the shadow of death.
Life is hers for the taking–so many possibilities, so many choices. Dancing and singing on broadway and teaching children have danced in her mind for as long as she can remember. Her long, slender body, with all its’ grace and poise is a display of all she hopes for; each small tattoo revealing a layer of her dreams. But she is fearful of choosing the wrong one. Everyone wants something different for her. Everyone seems to know exactly what will make her happy… except her. Disappointment is her biggest enemy but not for herself. The thought of letting anyone down is unthinkable and certainly not acceptable. Where do I go from here?… She’s been taught love, shown strength and given hope. Opening her eyes, she allows herself to see life for the first time in a very long while. No longer afraid, no longer alone…

My Papa


Tribute to my Papa
He never quit believing…and he acted on what he believed.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Gift of Rain🌟

Roaring of thunder making itself known
Bringing all of nature to life
dogs uncertain of its' sound and frightened 
unaware of the beauty that follows thunder..
Overcast skies playing hide'n'seek with the sun
Happy chirping birds coming out to play enjoying what their world offers..
Carefree eating and flitting about..
Much to learn watching a bird..
Thunder rolls through space again
And ever so gently 
Big rain drops fall from the skies to a very hungry earth..
Summer storms 
Unexpected moments 
So beautiful and full of life🌟

Monday, July 13, 2015

Bend with Me

With you without you 
Here yet gone 
I get it
I see it
I feel it 
I know it
Everything is nothing now 
It's empty lonely scary confusing 
I'm lost 
Feeling the chill through to my bones
Missing the smile 
the laughs &
gentle touches 
The peaceful silence
Sharing space 
Sweetest times I've known 
Small things that make it so special 
Where did it all go..
Trying to explain it to myself
Make sense of it
But it is all in vain..
the perfect that was going to last a lifetime 
gone in a moment..
Didn't know I could be so broken 
Funny how you still take my breath away..
So alive So real 
I'll stay
I'll fight 
I'll push&pull 
I'll bend your way
Making new stories
Our stories
Make my heart soar ❤️

Saturday, July 11, 2015

All Sparkly.. Who Me?

Picture perfect life they say 
So lucky so easy so carefree
How they wish to be her..
walk in her shoes and see
How it all just falls into place..
Gazing around She wonders who they speak of..
Eyes words attention all centered on her..
The kind naive words bring smiles to her face until it spills out into laughter as she shakes her head no fervently back and forth..
Wishing them to know truths 
It's absurd
Don't they know nothing is easy 
Nothing just happens 
One must be brave 
It is work 
A lot of work 
It is hard exhausting and wonderful work fighting for all she has..
Her actions make the choice 
She chooses to live each moment 
Though life is chaotic and a beautiful mess 
And she teeters on the edge -often finding that balance overwhelming 
she would never quit 
Give up 
Give in
Never gives that a thought..
Why she wonders?
she senses It is the struggle that gives her life meaning passion love happy sad worth-it-all moments..
As Her laughter subsides 
she gets lost in these thoughts.. 
Grateful for all she's lived 
Her face lights up 
Laughter spilling out again
knowing she is
Happy to walk in her shoes..

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Choose You❤️

It is so wonderful
It has to be perfect 
Sweetest thing she's ever known
Wanting to know more 
Curiosity growing 
Needing to know more
Making her crazy 
What is she looking for..
Bits&pieces of you 
So alive 
She remembers 
That feeling of love - she can't let go..
She can be all you want 
All you need 
Sweetest dream you'll ever know
Stay long enough 
You won't let go..

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

In the Quiet

She wishes many things for you
Her love will always want to see all things good for him
She wants it all
Willing to take the chance 
Sometimes it seems so impossible 
Such a sweet beautiful dream they are
still can't believe their worlds collided 
can't believe how fast 
How hard and how completely deeply She has fallen for him..
In the quiet 
The silence 
Her thoughts can be loud at times and She can't stop the tears 
wondering and wondering
smiling & giggling too..
A vast mix of wonderful scary emotions - 
She Doesn't  know why about anything but 
She certainly is beyond words happy She ran into him in life again 
All intertwined and meshed together 
No longer sure where it starts or where it ends..

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Moments of pure happiness&joy
Found Living in the moment..
Like a switch 
Moments of total fear&despair
As she slowly fades away..
All Gone in an instant 
Heartbreaking to wake up..
Harder still 
realizing it's only the beginning of the end 
Is she shutting down?
Is it real?
Not sure..
Is she all gone&forgotten
No memories?
As if it never was 
Sweet Glimpses remain..
Nothing is lost forever 
Even as it decays 
Falling apart 
The fascination to keep her alive grows stronger 
pushing her forward
Irrational Hope is awakened 
living on in her 
She fights fiercely 
never to let the dark eclipse her light..